The Atlanta, Georgia Attorneys at my firm are receiving more and more calls from persons interested in finding out whether they need a Georgia probate attorney to represent them in a Georgia probate ‘inheritance’ or ‘estate’ administration proceeding, dispute or litigation. Our Firm also receives an equal number of calls from executors or administrators of Georgia estates seeking experienced local Atlanta, Georgia, probate litigation lawyers to guide them through the trials and tribulations of being the executor or administrator of a Georgia estate. As an experienced Georgia probate lawyer, I have found that chances are if you think you need a Georgia probate lawyer, you almost certainly do.
The Atlanta probate litigation lawyers at our Firm meet weekly to discuss the status of the cases our Firm is handling, discuss strategies which are best for our clients, and to bounce ideas and other ways to further our clients’ best interests, we have also begun discussing and sharing ideas and methods in order to be the best Georgia probate lawyers for our clients. This process involves analyzing not only what our Firm’s Georgia probate dispute attorneys are doing in their cases, but also how opposing counsel are challenging and standing up for their clients against us. Since we found some common similarities between effective probate litigation attorneys, we decided to share them with you in your search for a qualified probate attorney.
Our analysis is as follows:
• Find Georgia probate attorneys who can handle the stress of a Georgia probate case. A strong lawyer can help you through this emotional struggle and take much of the stress off you. If you are seeking out Georgia probate litigation lawyers in order to find one to represent you, it is likely because a relative or someone close to you has died, you stand something to gain something from the person who has died (this person known under Georgia law as the “decedent”), or a combination of both of these factors. Usually these factors range from monetary or other gain to peace of mind that the loved one’s death is handled properly and peacefully. As such, this likely is a difficult process for you and emotionally draining. More often than not, there is relentless intra-family fighting and disharmony. Again, look for a lawyer can help you through this emotional struggle and take much of the stress off you.
• Find Georgia probate lawyers who are accessible to you, care about you and your case, and who you feel will your case for you by achieving your goals.
• Find Georgia probate attorneys who willingly give you their contact information, such as cell number, and other information. While you likely will not call this lawyer on his cell too often, this is a good indicator of how much dedication the lawyer has and how much he cares about providing exceptional service to you. Nevertheless, you know he or she will be available if you are in a bind.
• Find Georgia probate lawyers who can handle both transactional probate matters and probate litigation matters. Remember, a Georgia probate litigation case still has the transactional and administrative aspects to it. Moreover, these aspects are likely to be more convoluted and complicated. Thus, you need a probate lawyer that can handle any matters that come his or her way, whether they are transactional or litigation based. In addition, a lawyer who knows both transactional probate matters as well as probate litigation matters almost assuredly will have the upper hand over opposing counsel.
• Find the Georgia probate lawyers who regularly handle probate, trusts and estate cases, but also know about other areas of the law, such as real estate, business and taxation. Georgia probate estate matters likely consist of most of the decedent holdings and they likely will involve a host of legal areas. In contrast, some of the decedent’s holdings may pass “outside” of the decedent’s estate and the extra knowledge that your Atlanta, Georgia probate lawyers may have, will serve you well.